Growing up, I often felt like I didn't quite fit in with those around me, and my sensitivity was frequently misunderstood. A friend once pointed out that I was the only one who cried during music shows, and my loved ones would encourage me to be less emotional. But this year, I finally understood that being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is a unique strength, not a weakness.
I have exhibited several quirks since childhood, including a fear of firetruck and ambulance sirens, heightened sensitivity to sounds, and an unusual sensitivity to weather, environmental changes, and medication. I also have an aversion to the cold feeling of white bedsheets and am often moved to tears by poignant music. Furthermore, movies that elicit strong emotions, whether painful or joyful, can bring me to tears, while those with graphic or frightening content can affect me for several days. Additionally, I am extremely sensitive to all smells. And am easily angered by injustices, displaying persistence in uncovering the truth. Upon witnessing dusk, I often feel a sense of despair, as if the day has been wasted, and experience rapid mood fluctuations. As someone with a rich imagination and strong empathetic tendencies, I can effortlessly assume the viewpoints of others and possess exceptionally accurate intuitive reasoning skills. This capacity to see through others can be both a blessing and a curse, as an overabundance of information can exhaust my mental energy reserves, culminating in fatigue, sensory bombardment, and severe headaches. Thus, I must take a few days to rest and rejuvenate, allowing my mind to recover from the strain of processing excessive stimuli. Interestingly, it appears that these traits are characteristic of Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).
The concept of "Highly Sensitive Person" (HSP) may be unfamiliar to a large number of individuals. Despite this, the demographic accounts for a considerable proportion of the population. What are the defining features of HSP? Research suggest that highly sensitive individuals possess unique brain structures that differ from those of the general population, prompting me to identify with the X-men..lol I am curious to learn whether any of my friends exhibit similar characteristics. Let us join forces and pursue a meaningful initiative!😆
The realization that I am a HSP has brought about a significant improvement in my quality of life, making it easier to navigate and more comfortable. Gone are the days of self-doubt and questioning whether others are too indifferent to societal expectations. Now, I am reminded that my sensitivity renders me more attentive to my surroundings and the people within them. When faced with emotional turmoil, I know to take a moment to myself, whether that involves stepping away to calm down or employing strategies to manage my emotions effectively. In addition, I am grateful to my family and friends who have never judged me for being weird and have continued to be supportive. Thank you for your acceptance! Lastly, being an HSP is not a choice, but rather a gift and also a curse..
Here's hoping for a life of ease in 2025 ~ And happiness galore for all HSP souls! Happy New Year! Cheers! 🥂
從小覺得自己跟別人不同,有朋友說過我是她身邊唯一一個人聽音樂哭得很慘的那位😅 家人,朋友很常叫我:不要那麼敏感、不要那麼情緒化、不要那麼小氣、不要那麼認真…所以很常責備自己不該這樣,也很常質疑自己為什麼跟別人想東西不一樣?2024年,終於有了答案:原來我是「高敏感族群」Highly Sensitive Person(HSP)。
自小有些怪癖:很怕救火車、救傷車的警報聲;對光、聲音超敏感;對天氣、環境變化、藥物也特別有反應;不喜歡白床單冰冷的感覺;聽好聽的音樂會被感動得流淚,太苦情、太開心的電影也會流淚;太血腥、太恐怖的電影會影響我幾天…對任何氣味、魚肉腥味超敏感;聽到不公義的事特別容易動怒 ,對公義執著,一定要找出真相為止;看到黃昏會覺得自己浪費一天時間而情緒低落想哭;一分鐘前開心、一分鐘後臉黑黑,情緒大起大落;想像力豐富;很喜歡想東西;同理心特別強,可以代入對方心裡角度看待事情,也有蠻準的直覺推理; 很容易看穿別人、資訊太多會令我大腦消耗能量太大而感到疲勞轟炸導致頭疼,休息幾天依然覺得累~原來這些都是屬於高敏族的特質。
也許很多人對「高敏族」這個名詞很陌生,其實這族群的人相當多~什麼是高敏族?據說高敏族的腦袋結構跟一般人不一樣之類的,所以現在把自己當Xmen😆 不知身邊有哪些朋友也跟我一樣?來相認吧!來結盟做些有意義的事!😆