Let's start off with the not so good stuff first. My crowd funding indiegogo campaign was not successful, I didn't raise the amount that I needed to create my album. But that's okay, just like what Walt Disney said, "It's good to have a hard failure when you're young". So with the little amount that I received, I was able to create a demo album. This also gave me time to relax a bit so I have time to continue with my art interest.
I began to draw again, and have learn how to do it digitally. I created my own style of Disney inspired artworks, the "Origami" and "Allure" Series. I never would have thought that I would return to doing art. And this time, it's Disney inspired art, the subject that most interest me. Being able to provide my artwork for sale also encourage me to do more. Knowing that someone somewhere in this world appreciate my artwork and purchase a phone case with it, carrying it with them everyday makes me smile with glee. But I will not stop doing traditional art as that is my first true passion.

Again during the GGDC Xmas party, I donated another piece to the club as a raffle prize. Once again, my artwork had one of the most tickets placed in the bowl. Here is a photo of the winner of my artwork. I never thought that my artwork would be appreciated so much and this have really encourage me to continue on what I love.
This year I had the honor to meet a few talented Disney artist and Legends. They are but not limited to, Tyrus Wong, Andreas Deja, and Claire Keane. But I hope in 2014 I can also meet Claire's father, Glen Keane. He have inspired me the most ever since I was little. I have learn so much from listening to these artist during their workshops and talks. They inspired me even more to create more good artworks.

I hope I will have another magical year in 2014!
Happy New Year!!!